- Dec. 20, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Design of Organoboron Featuring Unique Electronic Property"
Speaker: Prof. Rei Kinjo
(Division of Chemistry & Biological Chemistry, School of Physical &
Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Catalysis Reseach Group
- Dec. 19, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"The Application of Genomics to Assess Cassava Germplasm for Crop Improvement"
Speaker: Dr. Luis Augusto Becerra López-Lavalle
(Agrobiodiversity Research Area, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Colombia)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Genomic Network Research Team
- Dec. 19, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"A Feedback system between A Secreted Peptide and Auxin patterns the Leaf Margin Development"
Speaker: Dr. Toshiaki TAMESHIGE
(Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (WPI-ITbM), Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Dec. 16, 2016
- RIKEN Symposium
Frontiers on Chemistry and Analytical Technology (XVII)
Venue: Suzuki Umetaro Hall, Bioscience Building, Wako campus
Language: Japanese
Contact: Molecular Structure Characterization Unit
- Dec. 13, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"PROTAC : Induced protein degradation as a therapeutic strategy"
Speaker: Prof. Craig M. Crews
(Yale Center for Molecular / Depts. of MCDB, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Yale University, USA)
Venue: S311, Bioscience Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Chemical Biology Group
- Dec. 9, 2016
- Interdisciplinary Seminar
"Evolution of root nodule symbiosis in legumes"
Speaker: Dr. Makoto Hayashi
(Plant Symbiosis Research Team, RIKEN CSRS)
Venue:S110, Sustainable Resource Science Building, Wako campus
Contact: CSRS Wako Seminar Series (Enzyme Research Team)
- Dec. 8, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Gut Reactions: Chemical Discovery in the Human Microbiome"
Speaker: Prof. Emily P. Balskus
(Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, USA)
Venue: S311, Bioscience Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Chemical Genomics Research Group
- Dec. 8, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Mechanisms for Reorientation of Cortical Microtubule Arrays in
Response to Blue Light"
Speaker: Dr. Masayoshi Nakamura
(David Ehrhardt Laboratory, Carnegie,
Institution for Science, USA)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Cell Function Research Team)
- Dec. 6, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
1) 13:00-13:35
"Regulation of receptor kinase-mediated immune signaling"
Speaker1: Prof. Cyril Zipfel
(Laboratory, UK)
Design Principles and Self-Assembling Properties of a Plant Extracellular Interactome"
Speaker2: Dr. Youssef Belkhadir
(Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology GmbH, Austria)
3) 14:20-14:55
"Deciphering the subversion of plant cellular functions by Ralstonia solanacearum type-III effectors"
Speaker3: Dr. Alberto Macho
Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology, CAS, China)
4) 14:55-15:30
"Cell-to-cell communication during pathogen attack"
Speaker4: Dr. Christine Faulkner
John Innes Centre, UK)
5) 15:30-15:50
"Heat stress-induced chromatin dynamics in Arabidopsis thaliana"
Speaker5: Dr. Jasmin Bassler
(Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology GmbH, Vienna, Austria)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Plant Immunity Research Group)
- Dec. 5, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
1) 10:00-11:00
"Dynamics of self-organization: a kick-start followed by co-ordinated
assembly of regulatory interactions"
Speaker1: Dr. Kalika Prasad
(Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, India)
2) 11:00-12:00
"De novo root organogenesis in plants: From wounding to cell fate transition"
Speaker2: Dr. Lin Xu
(Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS, China)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Cell Function Research Team)
- Nov. 28, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
1) 13:00-13:45
"Phytochromes Function as Thermosensors in Arabidopsis"
Speaker1: Dr. Philip Wigge
(Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK)
2) 14:00-14:45
"Impact of DNA methylation dynamics on reproductive success"
Speaker2: Dr. Daniel Bouyer
(Institut de Biologie de l'ENS, CNRS, France)
3) 15:00-15:45
"Chromatin-based regulation of plant cell differentiation: the underground
side of Polycomb complexes"
Speaker3: Dr. François Roudier
(Ecole Normale Supérieure de
Lyon / Institut de Biologie de
l'ENS, CNRS, France)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Cell Function Research Team)
- Nov. 25, 2016
- Interdisciplinary Seminar
"Alkyne-tag Raman Imaging & Screening: Novel Technologies for
Mapping Small Molecules in Cells and Proteins"
Speaker: Dr. Kosuke Dodo
(Catalysis and Integrated Research Group, CSRS / Synthetic
Organic Chemistry Laboratory)
Venue:S110, Sustainable Resource Science Building, Wako campus
Contact: CSRS Wako Seminar Series (Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team)
- Nov. 25, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Publishing at Cell Press and Current Biology"
Speaker: Dr. Anne Knowlton
(Scientific editor at Current Biology in London, UK)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Cell Function Research Team)
- Nov. 24, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Reprogrammed modular polyketide synthase as a tool to produce chemicals through Biology"
Speaker: Dr. Satoshi Yuzawa
(Biological Systems and Engineering, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
Venue: S311, Bioscience Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Chemical Biology Group
- Nov. 22, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"How distress signals affect growth in plants: Biotechnology for
health and fuel production."
Speaker: Dr. Alessandra Devoto
(Royal Holloway University of London, UK)
Venue: C210/C212, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Cell Function Research Team)
- Nov. 21, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Discoveries through Total Synthesis of Natural Hybrid Chlorofusin"
Speaker: Prof. Zhu-Jun Yao
(School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University, China)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Catalysis Reseach Group
- Nov. 21, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Harnessing Targeted Proteomics to Enhance Yield, Salinity Tolerance and Thermal Tolerance of Wheat"
Speaker: Dr. Nicolas L. Taylor
(ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology & School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Western Australia)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Genomic Network Research Team
- Nov. 17, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Catalysis with Silicon and Boron"
Speaker: Prof. Martin Oestreich
(Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Catalysis Reseach Group
- Nov. 11, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Manipulation of localized auxin biosynthesis by CRISPR and its applications in modifying plant developmental processes"
Speaker: Dr. Yunde Zhao
(Section of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, USA)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Plant Productivity Systems Research Group)
- Nov. 10, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Targeted nucleotide editing with a hybrid system of CRISPR/Cas9 and activation-induced cytidine deaminase"
Speaker: Prof. Keiji Nishida
(Kobe University)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Cell Function Research Team)
- Nov. 9, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Protein interactions in carrier protein dependent pathways"
Speaker: Prof. Micheal Burkart
(Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of California, San Diego, USA)
Venue: 408 Seminar Room, Chemical Biology Building, Wako campus
Contact: Natural Product Biosynthesis Research Unit
- Nov. 8, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"How convection, electrons, protons and photons drive carbon fixation engines into being"
Speaker: Dr. Michael Russell
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA / California Institute of Technology)
Venue: Sustainable Resource Science Bldg S110, Wako campus
Contact: Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team
- Oct. 28, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Nitrogen Nutritional Signals Controlling Plant Root Growth Behavior"
Speaker: Dr. Hideki Takahashi (Michigan State University)
Venue: C210/C212, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Metabolomics Research Group)
- Oct. 18, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Molecular Design and Synthesis at the Interface of Chemistry, Biology
and Medicine"
Speaker: Prof. Iwao Ojima
(Institute of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery,
Stony Brook University)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Catalysis & Integrated Research Group
- Oct. 17, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"The genetic architecture and molecular basis of intermediate nonhost resistance to stripe rust in Brachypodium"
Speaker: Mr. Jan Bettgenhaeuser
(Matthew Moscou Group
The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich, the UK)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Oct. 17, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Multi-step termination of floral stem cells in Arabidopsis"
Speaker: Prof. Toshiro Ito
(Nara Institute of Science and Technology / National University of
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Cell Function Research Team)
- Oct. 14, 2016
- Interdisciplinary Seminar
"Chemical communication in fission yeast"
Speaker: Dr. Yoko Yashiroda
(Chemical Genomics Laboratory, CSRS)
Venue:Room S311, Bioscience Building, Wako campus
Contact: CSRS Wako Seminar Series (Natural Product Biosynthesis Research Unit)
- Oct. 7, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Proteasome-mediated gene expression in plant immunity"
Speaker: Dr. Steven H. Spoel
(University of Edinburgh, UK)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Oct. 6, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Design and Synthesis of Latent Catalysts for Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization"
Speaker: Dr. Ezat Khosravi
(Chemistry Department, Durham University, UK)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Green Nanocatalysis Research Team
- Oct. 6, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Ubiquitination and Phosphorylation - Coordinating Cellular Signalling"
Speaker: Dr. Marco Trujillo
(Research Group Leader, Leibniz Inst. of Plant Biochemistry, Halle(Saale), Germany)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Sep. 30, 2016
- Interdisciplinary Seminar
"Chemical array as a tool of chemical biology"
Speaker: Dr. Yasumitsu Kondoh
(Chemical Biology Research Group, CSRS. Chemical Bank Unit
for Drug Discovery Platform,
Drug Discovery Platforms Cooperation Division)
Venue:Room S110, Sustainable Resource Science Building, Wako campus
Contact: CSRS Wako Seminar Series (Natural Product Biosynthesis Research Unit)
- Sep. 29, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Interplays between quantum effects and dynamic fluctuations in
photosynthetic light harvesting"
Speaker: Prof. Akihito Ishizaki
(Theoretical and Computational Molecular Science, Institute for
Molecular Science)
Venue: Sustainable Resource Science Bldg S110, Wako campus
Contact: Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team
- Sep. 28, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Rational design of chemical probes for the validation of new drug targets"
Speaker: Prof. Stefan Knapp
(University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, Oxford, UK)
Venue: Suzuki Umetaro Hall, Bioscience Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Seed Compound Exploratory Unit for Drug Discovery Platform
- Sep. 27, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Manganese-Group Metal Catalysis for Transformations of Inert C-H Bonds"
Speaker: Prof. Congyang Wang
(Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS), China)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Catalysis Reseach Group
- Sep. 14, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"The Transcriptional Dynamics of Vascular Regeneration"
Speaker: Dr. Charles Melnyk
(The Sainsbury Laboratory, University of
Cambridge, UK)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Cell Function Research Team)
- Sep. 10, 2016
- OPEN DAY - RIKEN Yokohama Campus & Yokohama City University, Tsurumi Campus
- Aug. 31, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Striga/sorghum arms race during domestication as revealed by Dual RNA-sequencing"
Speaker: Dr. Steven M. Runo
(Senior Lecturer,
Biochemistry and Biotechnology Department Kenyatta University, KENYA)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Plant Immunity Research Group)
- Jul. 29, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Plant-microbe interactions: hormones and the art of self-control"
Speaker: Dr. Eloise Foo
(ARC Future Fellow, School of Biological Sciences, University
of Tasmania)
Venue:C218/C220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Symbiosis Research Team
- Jul. 22, 2016
- Interdisciplinary Seminar
"Structural proteomics, metabonomics and ecomics in RIKEN"
Speaker: Dr. Jun Kikuchi
(Team leader of Environmental Metabolic Aanalysis Research Team, CSRS)
Venue:Room S110, Sustainable Resource Science Building, Wako campus
Contact: CSRS Wako Seminar Series (Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team)
- Jul. 11, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Control of entry and progression through meiosis"
Speaker: Dr. Arp Schnittger & Dr. Shinichiro Komaki
(Department of Developmental Biology, Biocenter Klein Flottbek, University of
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Cell Function Research Team)
- Jul. 11, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Learning the Language of the Chloroplast: Retrograde Signals That Regulate
Stomatal and ABA responses"
Speaker: Professor Barry Pogson
(College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, Australian National University)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Gene Discovery Research Group
- Jul. 7, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Visualization and Quantification of single RNA molecules in
Arabidopsis thaliana"
Speaker: Dr. Susan Duncan
(Computational and Systems Biology, John Innes
Venue:C218/C220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Symbiosis Research Team
- Jul. 6, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"The N-terminus of the bacterial Type III effector AvrRps4 functions in effector-triggered
Speaker: Morgan K. Halane
(Plant, Insect and Microbial Sciences
University of Missouri)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Plant Immunity Research Group)
- Jul. 6, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"A novel transfactor complex controlling meristem regeneration
following DNA stress"
Speaker: Dr. Lieven De Veylder
(VIB Department of Plant Systems Biology,
Ghent University)
Venue: C218/C220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Cell Function Research Team)
- Jul. 5, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Synthetic metabolism and the impact of biotechnology on sustainability"
Speaker: Dr. Patrik Jones
(Senior Lecturer, Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London)
Venue: C214/C216, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Metabolomics Research Group)
- Jun. 28, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Visible Light Photoredox-Catalyzed Multicomponent Reactions"
Speaker: Dr. Geraldine Masson
(Institute de Chimie des Substances Naturelles, CNRS)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Catalysis and Integrated Reseach Group
- Jun. 16, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Symbiotic use of pathogenic system: Rhizobia use type III secretion
system to activate leguminous symbiosis signaling"
Speaker: Dr. Shin Okazaki
(Assistant Professor,
Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of
Agriculture and Technology)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Symbiosis Research Team
- Jun. 3, 2016
- Interdisciplinary Seminar
"Stress-induced plant cell reprogramming: Epigenetic regulations?"
Speaker: Dr. Akira Iwase
(Cell Function Research Team, RIKEN CSRS)
Venue:Room S110, Sustainable Resource Science Building, Wako campus
Contact: CSRS Wako Seminar Series (Enzyme Research Team)
- May. 18, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Molecular phenology: an in natura study of gene functions"
Speaker: Professor Hiroshi Kudoh
(Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto
Venue: C218/C220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Cell Function Research Team)
- Apr. 25, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Exceptionally Simple Olefin Ligands for Broad-Scope Asymmetric
Speaker: Prof. Ming-Hua Xu
(State Key Laboratory of Drug Research,
Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Catalysis Research Group
- Mar. 28, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Functional assessment of multiple populations of root-associated rhizobia from
non-leguminous plants"
Speaker: Dr. Ryohei Thomas Nakano
(Department of Plant Microbe Interactions, Max Planck Institute for Plant
Breeding Research Cologne, Germany)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Mar. 17, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Proton-coupled electron transfer in organic synthesis"
Speaker: Prof. Robert Knowles
(Princeton University, Department of Chemistry)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Catalysis and Integrated Reseach Group
- Mar. 15, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Rhizosphere communication in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in rice and maize"
Speaker: Dr. Uta Paszkowski
(Department of Plant Sciences
University of Cambridge, The UK)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Mar. 14, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Complexes of Rare-and Alkaline-Earth Metals for Catalytic Intermolecular Olefin Hydrophosphination and Hydroamination Reactions"
Speaker: Prof. Alexander Trifonov
(Institute of Organometallic Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
Venue: Seminar Room, 6F Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Catalysis Research Group
- Mar. 11, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
1) "Bacterial type III secretion systems: protein delivery nanomachines for the host-microbe interactions"
Speaker1: Dr. Junya Kato
(Department of Microbial Pathogenesis, Yale University School of Medicine, USA)
2) "Cell size homeostasis in bacteria"
Dr. Setsu Kato
(Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale University, USA)
Venue: S110, Sustainable Resource Science Bldg, Wako campus
Language: Japanese
Contact: Chemical Genomics Research Group
- Feb. 26, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Synthesis and Application of Fused N-Heterocycles in Pd and Cu Catalysis"
Speaker: Prof. Jin Kyoon Park
(Department of Chemistry, Pusan National University, Korea)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Catalysis Research Group
- Feb. 25, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Genus Vigna -the Wild and Sexy-"
Speaker: Dr. Ken Naito
(Genetic Resource Center,
The National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Jan. 19, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Prospecting with Gold: Gold-N-Heterocyclic Carbene"
Speaker: Prof. Steve Nolan
(Chemistry Department, College of Science, King Saud University,
Saudi Arabia)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Catalysis Research Group
- Jan. 14, 2016
- RIKEN Seminar
"Bioinspired Asymmetric Catalysis with Peptides"
Speaker: Prof. Helma Wennemers
(ETH Zurich, Organic Chemistry, Switzerland)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Catalysis and Integrated Reseach Group
- Jan. 13, 2016
- CSRS Seminar
"Punctuality of the rice circadian clock under fluctuating field conditions"
Speaker: Dr. Jun Matsuzaki
(National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS))
Venue: C206/208, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Metabolic Systems Research Team