- Dec. 10, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Interorganellar communication in plant cells: stromules and plant immunity"
Speaker: Dr. Eunsook Park
(Plant biology and the genome center, University of California, Davis, USA)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Dec. 4, 2015
- RIKEN Symposium
Frontiers on Chemistry and Analytical Technology (XVI)
Venue: Suzuki Umetaro Hall, Bioscience Building, Wako campus
Language: Japanese
Contact: Molecular Structure Characterization Unit
- Nov. 24-25, 2015
- International Symposium
Towards Increased Plant Productivity through Understanding of Environmental Responses and Epigenetic Regulation
Venue: Main Office Building Hall, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Genomic Network Research Team
- Nov. 20, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Strigolactones in plants: from biosynthesis to functions"
Speaker: Dr. Sander van der Krol
(Associate Professor, Wageningen UR, Netherlands)
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Cell Function Research Team)
- Nov. 17, 2015
- CSRS Early Career Workshop
Venue: E717/E719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Nov. 5, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"Sustainable Gold Catalysis"
Speaker: Prof. Norbert Krause
(Organic Chemistry, Dortmund University of Technology, Germany)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Catalysis and Integrated Reseach Group
- Nov. 5, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"A spectral network-based strategy for identification of metabolites"
Speaker: Dr. Eisuke Hayakawa
(Innovation Center for Medical Redox Navigation, kyushu university)
Venue: E215/217, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Metabolomics Research Group
- Oct. 20, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"Multiple proton-coupled electron transfer in electrocatalysis"
Speaker: Prof. Marc Koper
(Professor of Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University)
Venue: Sustainable Resource Science Bldg S110, Wako campus
Contact: Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team
- Oct. 19, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Chemistry of Carbon Dioxide Dianion"
Speaker: Prof. Jun Okuda
(Director of Institute of Inorganic Chemistry / Chair Professor of Organometallic Chemistry at RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Catalysis Research Group
- Oct. 19, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"How a stressed out endoplasmic reticulum network deals with virus infection"
Speaker: Prof. Jeanmarie Verchot
(Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State University, USA)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Oct. 9, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Enhanced salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis by overexpression of an endogenous peptide elicitor, AtPep1"
Speaker: Dr. Yube Yamaguchi
(Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama seminar series organizers (Plant Genomic Network Research Team)
- Oct. 8, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"New Bioscience Research at BASF"
Speaker: Dr. Christophe Reuzeau
(Senior Manager Technology Acquisition and Collaborations, Asia Pacific CropDesign N.V., a BASF Plant Company, Belgium)
Venue: C214/216, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Biomass Engineering Research Division
- Oct. 5, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Transport properties of PIN proteins and regulation by AGCVIII kinases: a structure function approach"
Speaker: Dr. Ulrich Hammes
(Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry, University of Regensburg, Germany)
Venue: C210/212, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Regulatory Network Research Unit
- Oct. 2, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"A Role for Jasmonates in the Release of Dormancy by Cold Stratification in Wheat"
Speaker: Dr. Frank Gubler
(CSIRO Agriculture, Canberra, Australia)
Venue: C218/C220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama Seminar Series (Dormancy and Adaptation
Research Unit)
- Sep. 17, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"Nanostructured surfaces for improved activity and selectivity for electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction"
Speaker: Dr. Joel W. Ager III
(Solar Energy Materials Research Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
Venue: Small meeting room 1 (West), Welfare & Conference Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team
- Sep. 11, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Mitochondrial DNA Mutations and Ageing: Insights from in silico modeling and analysis"
Speaker: Prof. Rudiyanto Gunawan
(Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Venue: C214/216, Central Research Bldg, Yokohama campus
Contact: Metabolic Systems Research Team
- Sep. 8, 2015
- RIKEN Epigenetics Seminar Series No. 5
"Epigenetic control of genes and transposable elements in Arabidopsis"
Speaker: Dr. Hidetoshi Saze
(Plant Epigenetics Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate
Venue: C210/212, Central Research Bldg, Yokohama campus
*Live telecast at Wako (S310, Bioscience Bldg), Kobe (N701-703 Seminar Room, CDB Bldg A) and Tsukuba (Moriwaki Hall)
Contact: Plant Genomic Network Research Team
- Sep. 2, 2015
- Denmark-Japan Mini Workshop on Ion Transport Proteins
Venue: C218/220,
Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Regulatory Network Research Unit
- Aug. 31, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
1) "Molecular mechanisms of the symbiont-mediated body color change in aphid"
Speaker1: Dr. Tsutomu Tsuchida (University of Toyama)
2) "Symbionts of planthoppers and leafhoppers: Vertical transmission and genes related to the symbiosis"
Dr. Hiroaki Noda (National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences)
Venue: S311, Bioscience Bldg, Wako campus
Language: Japanese
Contact: Chemical Genomics Research Group
- Aug. 29, 2015
- OPEN DAY - RIKEN Yokohama Campus & Yokohama City University, Tsurumi Campus
- Aug. 21, 2015
- Interdisciplinary Seminar
"Dark Energy Ecosystem: Looking through the modern deep ocean to the ancient and the extraterrestrial ones"
Speaker: Dr. Ken Takai
(Director of Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
Venue: Okochi Hall, Laser Science Laboratory, Wako campus
*Live telecast at C210/212, Yokohama and #320 Research bldg (2nd phase), Tsukuba
Contact: CSRS Wako seminar series organizers (Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team)
- Aug. 10, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Cross-talks between the control of flowering time and the response to salinity stress in Arabidopsis"
Speaker: Prof. Dae-Jin Yun
(Division of Applied Life Science (Brain Korea 21 program), Gyeongsang National University, Korea)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Gene Discovery Research Group
- Jul. 31, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"How do host plants establish secure symbioses with microbial partners?"
Speaker: Dr. Tomomi Nakagawa
(National Institute for Basic Biology / Nagoya University)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Jul. 29, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
The 12th Workshop on the Chemical Biology
"DNA barcode technologies to facilitate measuring cellular and molecular dynamics"
Speaker: Dr. Nozomu Yachie
(Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo)
Venue: Suzuki Umetaro Hall, Bioscience Building, Wako campus
Contact: Chemical Genomics Research Group
- Jul. 22, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Mechanisms in fertilization and subsequent zygotic development in angiosperms: Investigations using in vitro fertilization system with rice gametes"
Speaker: Prof. Takashi Okamoto
(Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Venue: C218/220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama seminar series organizers (Dormancy and Adaptation Research Unit)
- Jul. 10, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"Improving the Precision of CRISPR/Cas9 nucleases through Protein Engineering"
Speaker: Prof. Scot A. Wolfe
(Department of Molecular, Cell, and Cancer Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA)
Venue: S311, Bioscience Building, Wako campus
Contact: Catalysis and Integrated Reseach Group
- Jun. 15, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"The endodermis: A tale of two cell types"
Speaker: Dr. Niko Geldner
(Assistant Professor, Plant Cell Biology lab, DBMV, University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Jun. 4, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Genetics of root branching"
Speaker: Prof. Tom Beeckman
(Department of Plant Systems Biology, VIB / Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Gent University, Belgium)
Venue: C218/220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama seminar series organizers (Cell Function Research Team)
- May. 28, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"Noncovalent and Reversible Covalent Interactions: Fundamental Studies and New Applications"
Speaker: Prof. Mark S. Taylor
(Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, Canada)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Elements Chemistry Research Team
- Apr. 20, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Mechanisms of nonhost disease resistance and its potential application strategies in plant disease resistance breeding"
Speaker: Dr. Seonghee Lee
(Research Assistant Professor, Institute of Food and Agricultural Science, University of Florida, USA)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama seminar series organizers (Plant Proteomics Research Unit)
- Apr. 8, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"Universal Fluorescent Probe Platform for Almost Everything"
Speaker: Prof. Young-Tae Chang
(Dept. of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Venue: S311, Bioscience building, Wako campus
Contact: Chemical Biology Research Group
- Apr. 8, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"R2R3-MYBs and MYC/bHLH transcription factors in the regulation of Trp-derived secondary metabolites in A. thaliana"
Speaker: Dr. Henning Frerigmann
(Botanical Institute and Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences, University of Cologne, Germany)
Venue: C218/220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama seminar series organizers (Metabolic Systems Research Team)
- Mar. 30, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"Functionalization of C-H/C-N Bonds of Carbodiimides: Construction of Aza-heterocycles"
Speaker: Prof. Wenxiong Zhang
(College of Chemistry, Peking University, China)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Catalysis Research
- Mar. 27, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Extracellular ATP acts as a danger signal for damaged-self recognition in plants"
Speaker: Dr. Kiwamu Tanaka
(Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University, USA)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Proteomics Research Unit
- Mar. 20, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Drugged plants talk: Generating new chemical tools for dissecting plant signaling pathways"
Speaker: Dr.Erich Kombrink
(Group leader of Chemical Biology, Max Plank Institute for Plant Bleeding Research, Germany)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Synthetic Genomics Research Team
- Mar. 20, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Functional Analyses of Symbiotic genes in Bradyrhizobium strain DOA9"
Speaker: Dr. Panlada Tittabutr
(School of Biotechnology, Institute of Agricultural Technology, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand)
Venue: C206/208, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Symbiosis Research Team
- Mar. 19, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"Design and Application of Chiral Hydrogen Bond Donors for Enantioselective Catalysis"
Speaker: Prof. Viresh H. Rawal
(Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, USA)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Catalysis and Integrated Reseach Group
- Mar. 19, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
1) "Role of Receptor-Like Cytoplasmic Kinases in plant-bacterial pathogen interactions"
Speaker1: Prof. Jian-Min Zhou
(Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
2) "Functional organization and developmental dynamics of the Arabidopsis epigenome"
Speaker2: Dr. Francois Roudier
(Institut de Biologie de l'ENS (IBENS), France)
3) "Temperature signaling pathways in plant development"
Speaker3: Dr. Philip Wigge
(Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge University, UK)
4) "Nature Plants: From Bench to Biosphere"
Speaker4: Ms. Anna Armstrong
(Senior Editor, Nature Plants)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama seminar series organizers (Cell Function Research Team)
- Mar. 11, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"Symbiosis Between the Synthesis of Bioactive Natural Products and New Reaction Development"
Speaker: Prof. Jeffrey Johnson
(Department of Chemistry, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Catalysis and Integrated Reseach Group
- Mar. 6, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"plant-parasitic nematodes - a challenge for agriculture and science"
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Florian M. W. Grundler
(Professor and Head of Molecular Phytomedicine, INRES, University of Bonn, Germany)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Feb. 25, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"A Hidden Role of Purine Intermediate Allantoin as a Metabolic Signal on Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis"
Speaker: Dr. Shunsuke Watanabe
(Hiroshima University)
Venue: C218/220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama seminar series organizers (Cell Function Research Team)
- Feb. 23, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"A few intrinsic factors affecting catalytic performance of Ni/Al2O3 for syngas methanation"
Speaker: Prof. Guangwen Xu
(Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Catalysis Research
- Feb. 16, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"Class B GPCR drug discovery: from serendipitous findings to organized efforts"
Speaker: Dr. Ming-Wei Wang
(The National Center for Drug Screening and Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Venue: S311, Bioscience building, Wako campus
Contact: Chemical Genomics Research Group
- Feb. 12, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"Chemistry of the lanthanoids involving the very bulky tetraphenyl- and pentaphenyl-cyclopentadienyl ligands"
Speaker: Prof. Peter Junk
(School of Pharmacy & Molecular Sciences, James Cook University, Australia)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Catalysis Research
- Feb. 9, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
"Genetic regulatory mechanisms of lateral root formation in vascular plants"
Speaker: Prof. Hidehiro Fukaki
(Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University)
Venue: C218/220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama seminar series organizers (Plant Symbiosis Research Team)
- Jan. 29, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"Smart Nanomaterials for Energy Saving and Environmental Purification"
Speaker: Prof. Minoru Kanehira
(Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Venue: S310, Bioscience Building, Wako campus
Contact: Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team
- Jan. 28, 2015
- CSRS Seminar
" "RIPPS", an Automated System for Evaluating Plant Environmental Stress Response"
Speaker: Dr. Miki Fujita
(Research Scientist, Gene Discovery Research Group, RIKEN CSRS)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: CSRS Yokohama seminar series organizers (Cell Function Research Team)
- Jan. 26, 2015
- RIKEN Seminar
"Synthesis of Chiral Nitrogen-Containing Molecules via Rh-Catalyzed Enantioselective Reactions"
Speaker: Prof. Hsyueh-Liang Wu
(National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
Venue: S507, Chemistry & Materials Physics Bldg, Wako campus
Contact: Advanced Catalysis Research Group