- Dec. 19, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Site-directed genome engineering of higher plants by genome editing tools, ZFN, TALEN, and CRISPR/CAS9"
Speaker: Dr. Yuriko Osakabe
(Gene Discovery Research Group, RIKEN CSRS)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
*Live telecast at Wako (#S310, Bioscience Building) and Tsukuba (4F Conference Room, Informatics and JCM Building)
Contact: Plant Genomic Network Research Team
- Nov. 26, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Cell Wall Chemotyping for Functional Genomics"
Speaker: Dr. Lorenz Gerber
(Umea Plant Science Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
Venue: C214/C216, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Cellulose Production Research Team
- Nov. 25, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"The role of GA in seed dormancy loss"
Speaker: Dr. Camille M. Steber
(USDA-ARS, Research Molecular Geneticist (Plant),
Washington State University /
Adjunct Faculty in Crop and Soil Sciences)
Venue: C214/C216, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Dormancy and Adaptation Research Unit
- Nov. 18, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Analyses for gene expression regulated by high-order information of genetic sequences"
Speaker: Dr. Shuntaro Takahashi
(Lecturer, Frontier Institute for Biomolecular Engineering Research, Konan University)
Venue: #535/537, Main Research Building, Wako campus
Contact: Enzyme Research Team
- Nov. 14, 2013
1) 15:00-15:45
2) 15:45-16:30
- CSRS Seminar
1) "Biochemical genomics of polyketide biosynthesis in Cannabis and Humulus"
Speaker:Dr. Jonathan Page
(National Research Council of Canada & University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK, Canada)
2) "Applying metabolomics approaches to improve plants and their products"
Speaker: Prof. Robert Hall
(Managing Director, Centre for BioSystems Genomics
/ Cluster Leader Metabolic Regulation, Plant Research International, BU Bioscience
/ Plant Metabolomics, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Venue: C218/220 , Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Metabolomics Research Group
- Nov. 12, 2013
- RIKEN Seminar
"DNA methylation and TE dynamics in Arabidopsis"
Speaker: Professor Tetsuji Kakutani
(Department of Integrated Genetics, National Institute of Genetics)
Venue: Main Office Building Hall, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Genomic Network Research Team
*Live telecast will be available at Wako (S310, Bioscience Building), Tsukuba (Main Conference Room, 1F Management Building) and Kobe (E206, Building D)
- Nov. 1, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
1) "Using cell wall integrity research to facilitate bioenergy production from lignocellulosic biomass"
Speaker: Dr. Thorsten Hamann
(Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
2) "Cell walls and plant development : examples in Arabidopsis and Brachypodium"
Speaker: Dr. Herman Höfte
(Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, INRA Centre de Versailles-Grignon)
3) "Recent insights into expansin action: alpha, beta and bacterial"
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Cosgrove
(Department of Biology, Penn State University)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Cellulose Production Research Team
- Oct. 22, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
1) "The System Strategic Approach for Crop Research: Towards the Crop Yield Improvement"
Speaker: Dr. Treenut Saithong
(King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT))
2) "Deciphering the complex of gene regulatory network in plant via systems biology approach: aim to understand the regulation of starch biosynthesis pathway in cassava"
Speaker: Dr. Saowalak Kalapanulak
(King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT))
Venue: C218/C220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Metabolomics Research Group / Metabolic Systems Research Team
- Oct. 8, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Identification of three hydroxyproline O-arabinosyltransferases in Arabidopsis"
Speaker: Prof. Yoshikatsu Matsubayashi
(Professor, National Institute for Basic Biology)
Venue: E717, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Cell Function Research Team
- Oct. 1, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Silage - Raw Material for the Production of Amino Acids Use it Before it is Hidden in the Wood"
Speaker: Prof. Elmar Heinzle
(Biochemical Engineering Institute, Saarland University, Germany)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Synthetic Genomics Research Team
- Oct. 1, 2013
- RIKEN Seminar
"Architecture and dynamics of mega-synthases involved in primary and secondary metabolism"
Speaker: Prof. Sheryl Tsai
(Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, Irvine)
Venue: Suzuki Umetaro Hall, Bioscience Building, Wako campus
Contact: Natural Product Biosynthesis
Research Unit
- Sep. 28, 2013
- OPEN DAY - RIKEN Yokohama Campus & Yokohama City University, Tsurumi Campus
- Sep. 25, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Characterization of Plant Glucosinolate Metabolic Networks"
Speaker: Dr. Sixue Chen
(Dept. Biology, Univ. Florida, USA)
Venue: C206/208, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Metabolic Systems Research Team
- Sep. 19, 2013
1) 14:00-15:00
2) 15:00-16:00
- CSRS Seminar
1) "Xylose metabolism in Arabidopsis"
Speaker: Dr. Joshua L. Heazlewood (Joint BioEnergy Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
2) "Tracking protein turnover in plant cells and intact plants: a new frontier in understanding the cost of plant growth"
Speaker: Prof A. Harvey Millar (Winthrop Professor/ARC Future Fellow,
ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology / Centre for Comparative Analysis of Biomolecular Networks / The University of Western Australia)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Proteomics Research Unit
- Sep. 18, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"A novel epigenetic regulator for heterochromatin gene expression in Arabidopsis"
Speaker: Dr. Taisuke Nishimura (PRESTO, JST /
Bioscience and Biotechnology Center, Nagoya University)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Cell Function Research Team
- Sep. 17-18, 2013
- RIKEN CSRS Workshop
"Metabolomics to Better Understand Plant Specialized Metabolism"
Venue: C212 on 17th / C206/208 on 18th,
Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Metabolomics Research Group
- Sep. 12, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Self Organization of Plant Microtubules"
Speaker: Prof. Geoffrey O. Wasteneys (Professor, University of British Columbia)
Venue: C218/C220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Cell Function Research Team
- Sep. 03, 2013
- RIKEN Seminar
"Exploring Biochemical Diversity in Natural Products Biosynthesis"
Speaker: Dr. Taifo Mahmud (Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Oregon State University)
Venue: S311, Bioscience Building, Wako campus
Contact: Natural Product Biosynthesis Research Unit
- Sep. 2, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"A green perspective on the developmental hourglass concept"
Speaker: Dr. Marcel Quint (Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Cell Function Research Team
- Aug. 1, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"The roles of Chloroplast Heat Shock Protein 90 (Hsp90C) in protein import and chloroplast biogenesis"
Speaker: Dr. Hitoshi Inoue (University of Massachusetts)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Proteomics Research Unit
- Jul. 29, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"For identification of the molecular mechanism of heterosis"
Speaker: Dr. Ryo Fujimoto (Niigata University)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Genomic Network Research Team
- Jun. 14, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Analysis of cell type specific splicing forms in the root meristem inArabidopsis"
Speaker: Dr. Masashi Yamada (Duke University)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Cell Function Research Team
- Jun. 6, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Asia Cassava Molecular Innovation Network"
Speaker: Dr. Manabu Ishitani (Senior Researcher, International Center for
Tropical Agriculture (CIAT))
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Genomic Network Research Team
- May. 23, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"How plants know when to flower: Transcriptional regulation of CONSTANS in photoperiodic flowering in Arabidopsis"
Speaker: Dr. Shogo Ito (Nagoya University)
Venue: C218/C220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Productivity Systems Research Group
- May. 21, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Gene network and reaction network reconstruction methods toward the understanding of chemical coevolution"
Speaker: Dr. Masaaki Kotera (Assistant Professor, Kyoto University)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Metabolomics Research Group
- May. 21, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Current status of plant biotechnology in Vietnam and perspectives"
Speaker: Dr. Ham Huy Le (Associate Professor, Institute of Agricultural Genetics
Venue: C214/C216, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Genomic Network Research Team
- May. 15, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
1) "Evidences supporting distinct function of cytosolic glutamine"
Speaker: Prof. Tomoyuki Yamaya (Professor,Tohoku University)
2) "Functions of the chloroplastic PEPC in primary metabolism of rice"
Speaker: Dr. Mitsue Miyao-Tokutomi (Research Unit Head, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences)
Venue: C208, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Metabolomics Research Group
- May. 13, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Radical SAM enzymes in cofactor biosynthesis"
Speaker: Prof.Tadhg P.Begley (Texas A&M University)
Venue: C214/C216, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Metabolomics Research Group
- May. 1, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Analysis of the breadwheat genome using whole-genome shotgun sequencing"
Speaker: Dr. Anthony Hall (University of Liverpool)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Synthetic Genomics Research Team
- Apr. 19, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Metabolomics approaches to the study of enzymes and microbial metabolisms"
Speaker: Dr. Natsumi Saito (Project Assistant Professor, Keio University)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Plant Immunity Research Group
- Apr. 18, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"RNAseq: technical advance and application in developmental biology & immunity research"
Speaker: Dr. Yasunori Ichihashi (UC Davis and RIKEN)
Dr. Shuta Asai (Sainsbury lab and RIKEN)
Venue: E717/719, East Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Cell Function Research Team
- Apr. 9, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Using Metabolic Profiling to Enhance Quality of Fruits and Vegetables"
Speaker: Dr. Daryl Rowan (New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited)
Venue: C218/C220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Metabolomics Research Group
- Apr. 4, 2013
- CSRS Seminar
"Intercellular Communication in Plant Tissue Patterning"
Speaker: Dr. Keiji Nakajima (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
Venue: C218/C220, Central Research Building, Yokohama campus
Contact: Cell Function Research Team