Philanthropy Program “RIKEN CSRS for SDGs”

Donations to support sustainable resource science research and researcher development to contribute to the SDGs

In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which set 17 goals to be achieved by 2030. In order to solve global issues associated with these goals, the power of science and innovation is essential. At the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS), we are focusing on the following seven goals out of the 17 goals of the SDGs by utilizing our strengths in research and development and researcher training.

2.Zero hunger
3.Good health and well-being
7.Affordable and clean energy
12.Responsible consumption and production
13.Climate action
14.Life below water
15.Life on land

Through our projects, we have already produced innovative results such as "plant-derived bioplastics that biodegrade in nature," "creation of crops that can grow in harsh environments to withstand climate change," "polymers that can self-heal in various environments," and "manganese catalysts that continue to electrolyze water." In this project, we will support the research activities of researchers, promote exchanges between domestic and international researchers, and develop researchers by building and providing educational programs for graduate students, and through these efforts, we will establish a world-first academic field of "sustainable resource science".

RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS)
Director: Saito Kazuki (Ph.D.)
RIKEN Honorary Science Advisor / Senior Visiting Scientist: Shinozaki Kazuo (D.Sci.)

Project outline

  • Support for sustainable resource science research activities to contribute to the SDGs
  • Support for human resource utilization and development projects of CSRS (promotion of exchange among domestic and international researchers, support for young researchers, etc., educational programs for graduate students, etc.)
  • Other activities such as improvement of the research environment and publicity activities.

Donation call duration

January 12, 2021 - March 31, 2025

Donation call amount

100 million JPY (8 million JPY in the first FY, 23 million JPY per year after FY 2021)
10,000 JPY per donation unit (We ask for your donation of one or more units)

Call procedures/methods

Call will be posted on the RIKEN external website:


  • Publication of the donor’s name on the Center’s website.
  • Email notifications of events held by the Center.
  • Those who donate more than one unit (10,000 yen) will receive an original greeting card created by the Center.


RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS)
E-mail: csrs [at] (Note: Please replace [at] with @)