Programs for Junior Scientists
RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science actively provides training programs with the aim of fostering talented personnel and the next generation of scientists.
CSRS Graduate Student Training Program
The CSRS Graduate Student Training Program (CSRS-GSTP) was launched in April 2020 for graduate students enrolled in the CSRS. Under the supervision of CSRS, this program aims to identify and foster talented young scientists capable of contributing to the advancement of science for the future.
Season3 (2022)
GSTP1: Doctor Students, total 4GSTP2: Master Students, total 11
GSTP3: Doctor Students and Master Students, total 13
- Introduction of CSRS-GSTP
- Sustainable Resource Science
- So you wanna be a researcher?
- Beginner's guide for presentation
- Students’ presentation
- Students’ presentation
- Challenges to create new functional biomass-based polymeric materials
- バイオものづくりを加速するEngineering Biology
- How I became a scientist - A journey to science
Season2 (2021)
GSTP1: Master Students, total 13GSTP2: Master Students, total 11
- (GSTP1) Discussion about CSRS seminar
(GSTP2) Introduction CSRS-GSTP - (GSTP1) フロー化学
(GSTP2) About Sustainable Resource Science Center - (GSTP1) バイオxデジタルの融合による生物生産性の向上
(GSTP2) So you wanna be a researcher - How to do presentation
- GSTP1 Students’ presentation
- GSTP2 Students’ presentation
- Pursuing a Dream of Organic Chemistry Research in Japan
- The World of Lipids and Development
- Design of Biomolecular Functions using Artificial Molecules
Season1 (2020)
GSTP1: Master Students, total 13- Introduction
- So you wanna be a researcher?
- Sustainable Resource Science
- メタボローム解析から見えてくる植物の代謝生理
- 研究の心構え
- バイオプラスチックの可能性と課題
- 植物ケミカルバイオロジー
- バイオ高分子の研究を通して幸せになる方法を考える
- 生体機能触媒とは
- 自ら作るトレーニングプログラム