Predicting the factors that affect the electrochemical carbon dioxide conversion reactions

September 13, 2024

Simple design guidelines for a new group of catalytic materials using machine learning

A joint research team of Tokyo Institute of Technology, the RIKEN CSRS and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology has discovered simple catalytic design guidelines using machine learning techniques for the development of diverse composite metal sulfides materials for the electro-reduction reaction of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the focus of developing technologies to reduce and utilize it, with increasing attention on methods to convert CO₂ into other substances through electro-reduction. While materials for electrodes have been explored for many years, there has been still no clear design guideline established, and therefore there has been a demand for electrode design principles based on experimentally accessible simple parameters. The results of this study suggest that in the conversion of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide by composite metal sulfides, it is necessary to focus on the crystal structure rather than the constituent elements. This research outcome is expected to contribute to the development of carbon dioxide conversion catalysts using metal sulfides, which are abundantly found in nature.

Original article
Materials Science & Engineering R doi: 10.1016/j.mser.2024.100832
A. N. E. Aisnada, Y. Yui, J. Lee, N. Kitadai, R. Nakamura, M. Ibe, M. Miyauchi, A. Yamaguchi,
"An empirical approach-based analysis for the exploration of ternary metal sulfide as an active and selective CO2 reduction electrocatalyst".
Ryuhei Nakamura
Team Leader
Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team