Discovery of Koshihikari-derived gene that increases rice yield in high CO2 environment
March 31, 2023
The joint research group consisting researchers from Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Nagoya University, Yokohama City University, RIKEN CSRS, Meiji University, and Kazusa DNA Research Institute identified an allele MP3, which promotes the development of axillary buds that grow into panicles, which increases panicle numbers in temperate japonica rice, Koshihikari. The research group found that the gene sequence (genotype) of MP3 differs by rice cultivars, and some japonica subgroups, represented by Koshihikari, have a genotype that increases the panicle number, while the foreign indica subgroup does not. The researchers substituted the indica-type MP3 of a Japanese high-yielding cultivar, Takanari to the Koshihikari-type MP3, and demonstrated the rice plants increased panicle numbers by 20-30%. They also demonstrated that the new cultivar yielded 6% more than that of Takanari in paddy fields at elevated CO2 conditions, simulating the anticipated future conditions. As global climate change progresses, developing technologies for sustainable crop production has become an urgent issue. MP3 is expected to contribute to stable rice production in future high CO2 environments as one of these technologies.
- Original article
- The Plant Journal doi:10.1111/tpj.16143
- T. Takai, Y. Taniguchi, M. Takahashi, H. Nagasaki, E. Yamamoto, S. Hirose, N. Hara, H. Akashi, J. Ito, Y. Arai-Sanoh, K. Hori, S. Fukuoka, H. Sakai, T. Tokida, Y. Usui, H. Nakamura, K. Kawamura, H. Asai, T. Ishizaki, K. Maruyama, K. Mochida, N. Kobayashi, M. Kondo, H. Tsuji, Y. Tsujimoto, T. Hasegawa, Y. Uga,
- "MORE PANICLES 3, a natural allele of OsTB1/FC1, impacts rice yield in paddy fields at elevated CO2 levels".
- Contact
- Keiichi Mochida
Team Leader
Bioproductivity Informatics Research Team