3D reconstruction of a whole plant cell
October 18, 2022
Analyzing light-dependent organelle changes at nano scale
Researchers at the RIKEN CSRS reconstructed a 3D image of mesophyll cells in a model plant Arabidopsis at high resolution using electron microscopy and 3D image reconstruction.
The researchers analyzed organellar morphology and positioning in the mesophyll cells at high resolution with array tomography, which combines ultrathin serial sectioning using electron microscopy and 3D image reconstruction. They also quantitively showed for the first time that the intracellular organellar morphology and the interorganellar proximity area differ between cells exposed to light (light-treated group) and those not exposed to light (dark-treated group).
These findings would provide a new means to elucidate the mechanism of response to the environment of how organelles change in plant cells exposed to light at the cellular level.
- Original article
- PNAS Nexus doi:10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac225
- K. Midorikawa, A. Tateishi, K. Toyooka, M. Sato, T. Imai, Y. Kodama, K. Numata,
- "Three-dimensional nanoscale analysis of light-dependent organelle changes in Arabidopsis mesophyll cells".
- Contact
- Keiji Numata
Team Leader
Biomacromolecules Research Team