News 2015
- Dec. 25, 2015
- Dr. Jong-Myong Kim, Research Scientist of the Plant Genomic Network Research Team, received "The Best Paper Award, The 87th annual meeting, The Genetics Society of Japan"
- Dec. 09, 2015
- Dr. Yoshihiro Sohtome, Research Scientist of the Catalysis and Integrated Research Group, received "Banyu Life Science Foundation International Banyu Chemist Award"
- Dec. 08, 2015
- Dr. Ryo Takita, Deputy Team Leader of the Advanced Elements Chemistry Research Team, received "The 10th International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-10) Asian Core Program Lectureship Award"
- Dec. 08, 2015
- Dr. Noriyuki
Tezuka, Ryosuke Kawasumi and Miku Oi, Part-time Worker of the Advanced Elements Chemistry Research Team, received "CSJ Poster Presentation Award 2015 for Excellent Research"
- Nov. 30, 2015
- Dr. Yoichi Yamada, Deputy Team Leader of the Green Nanocatalysis Research Team, received "The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Award for Divisional Scientific Promotions"
- Nov. 24, 2015
- Mr. Takanori Komatsu, Junior Research Associate of the Environmental Metabolic Aanalysis Research Team, received "The 19th International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR) Student Travel Award"
- Nov. 24, 2015
- Mr. Takanori Komatsu, Junior Research Associate of the Environmental Metabolic Aanalysis Research Team, received "The 54th Annual Meeting of the NMR Society of Japan (2015) Poster Award"
- Oct. 30, 2015
- RIKEN Research Highlights published "Plant stress adaptation in the hot seat"; an overview of recently published research by the Plant Genomic Network Research Team
- Sep. 25, 2015
- RIKEN Research Highlights published "Not all plant growth hormones are the same"; an overview of recently published research by the Plant Productivity Systems Research Group
- Aug. 20, 2015
- CSRS researchers have been selected for ASPB TOP AUTHORS
- Aug. 13, 2015
- Dr. Yozo Okazaki, Research Scientist of the Metabolomics Research Group, received "The Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology (JSPCMB) Award for Young Scientists"
- Jul. 27, 2015
- Dr. Keiji Numata, Team Leader of the Enzyme Research Team, received "Forum on Biopolymers Science, Societyof Polymer Science Young Scientist Lecture Award"
- Jul. 27, 2015
- Dr. Keiji Numata, Team Leader of the Enzyme Research Team, received "The Young Scientist Lecture Award,
The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ)"
- Jun. 30, 2015
- Dr. Yushi Futamura, Research Scientist of the Chemical Biology Research Group, received "Incitement Award of the Japanese Association fro Molecular Target Therapy of Cancer"
- Jun. 19, 2015
- RIKEN Research Highlights published "Engineering a better reaction"; an overview of recently published research by Catalysis and Integrated Research Group
- Jun. 10, 2015
- Mr. Hidehito Hatanaka, Student Trainee of the Bioplastic Research Team, received "SPSJ SOM (The Society of Polymer Science Symposium on Macromolecules) PosterAward"
- Jun. 10, 2015
- Dr. Yatagai Fumio, Research Consultant of the Biomolecular Characterization Unit, received "ICRR2015 Excellent Poster Award"
- Jun. 09, 2015
- Dr. Momoko Ikeuchi, Special Postdoctoral Researcher of the Cell Function Research Team, received "The Botanical Society of Japan (BSJ) Young Botanist Prize"
- Jun. 09, 2015
- Dr. Keita Amagai (Visiting Scientist), Dr. Shunji Takahashi (Unit Leader), Mr. Hiroshi Takagi (Technical Staff), Ms. Noriko Shibazaki (Technical Staff) of the Natural Product Biosynthesis Research Unit and Dr. Hiroyuki Osada (Group Director) of the Chemical Biology Research Group received "Hot Topics Award at Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry (JSBBA) 2015"
- Jun. 04, 2015
- Dr. Kazuo Shinozaki, CSRS Director, was selected as "American Society of Plant Biologist (ASPB) Corresponding Membership Award"
- May. 22, 2015
- RIKEN Research Highlights published "A stress tracker for plants"; an overview of recently published research by Dormancy and Adaptation Research Unit
- May. 21, 2015
- Dr. Ryo Takita, Deputy Team Leader of the Advanced Elements Chemistry Research Team, received "The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Award for Young Scientists"
- May. 20, 2015
- Dr. Hiroyuki Osada, CSRS Deputy Director, was selected as "Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology,
and Agrochemistry (JSBBA) Fellow"
- May. 15, 2015
- RIKEN Research - RIKEN People published "Engineering plants for large-scale bioproduction"; an article focused on Dr. Jo-Ann Chuah, Postdoctoral researcher of the Enzyme Research Team.
- May. 14, 2015
- Dr. Takeshi Nakano (Senior Research Scientist) and Dr. Ayumi Yamagami (Postdoctoral Researcher) of the Gene Discovery Research Group, Dr. Hiroyuki Osada (Group Director) of the Chemical Biology Research Group and Dr. Minami Matsui (Group Director) of the Synthetic Genomics Research Group received "The Excellent Paper Award Published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, & Biochemistry"
- May. 01, 2015
- RIKEN Research Highlights published "Plants' control complex"; an overview of recently published research by Chemical Biology Research Group, Gene Discovery Research Group and Synthetic Genomics Research Group
- Apr. 13, 2015
- Dr. Yasunori Ichihashi, Special Postdoctoral Researcher of the Plant Immunity Research Group, received the "The Young Scientist Award for Plant Morphology" and "Hirase Award 2014" of The Japanese Society of Plant Morphology
- Mar.27, 2015
- RIKEN Research Highlights published "Regulating root growth"; an overview of recently published research by Dormancy and Adaptation Research Unit
- Mar.13, 2015
- RIKEN Research Highlights published "A new crop on the web"; an overview of recently published research by Synthetic Genomics Research Team
- Mar.12, 2015
- RIKEN CSRS and Nagoya University's WPI-ITbM sign joint research collaboration agreement
- Mar.06, 2015
- Two articles of Dr. Ryoung Shin, Unit Leader of the Regulatory Network Research Unit, were published in "National Public Radio(NPR)" and "The Verge"
- Feb. 20, 2015
- RIKEN Research Highlights published "Sun safety for plants"; an overview of recently published research by Gene Discovery Research Group
- Feb. 19, 2015
- Dr. Yoshihiro Sohtome, Research Scientist of the Catalysis and Integrated Research Group, received the "Incentive Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan"
- Jan. 15, 2015
- Dr. Go Hirai, Senior Research Scientist of the Catalysis and Integrated Research Group, received the "Thieme Chemistry Journal Award 2015"
- Jan. 06, 2015
- Dr. Hiroyuki Osada has been selected for the Inhoffen Medal